I haven't posted on here in about 10 days because I haven't had anything new to report. My plans to visit a recycling place the past couple of weekends have failed because of lack of planning or even just lack of time due to my crazy end of the semester schedule here at WMU. But, I would like to talk about a very big problem in our society. WASTE MANAGMENT
When I walk down an aisle in any given convenience or grocery store I see an over use of packaging for most items. Accessories are the worst by far. Razors, blow dryers, and shavers tend to come in plastic containers about 3 times their size. Think of how much energy is put into making not just the accessories, but the plastic their wrapped in. I understand that electronics need protection so they don't break in transit, but the amount of foam pieces that come with a television box is just plain crazy! Why waste energy creating those when they only cause harm to the environment after disposal? Survey says, it is far cheaper than creating a better fitting box for the T.V. and properly securing it during transit. Money controls the business world a little too much sometimes.
So, if we are so aware of waste and pollutants these days, why are they still a problem? Recycling has been on the rise for over two decades now and could potentially eliminate waste all together someday. We understand very well how toxic waste dumping and burning of trash can lead to terrible health conditions for any living creature through the thousands of examples from the past century of waste blunders. Why haven't we ridden society of such disgusting habits? It all comes down to mind over matter. The matter referring to the packaging thrown away each day by everyone who eats easy to prepare meals and snacks that are cheap and quick, perfect for the on the go individual. Emphasis on the "on the go" part. Our society is so fast paced because of our longing to succeed in a very demanding and growing world. The mindset of the average person doesn't think about the environment they speed by every day on their way to work or to pick up the kids from school or to the next big party on a Friday night. People naturally think of people before they think about the environment and how it affects them.
Now, I know what you are thinking. "Oh, geez! Another lecture on how I am a terrible person for being human and wanting to advance in life and forgetting that other stuff goes on." That is not what I mean at all, actually. I am referring to the fact that even with these busy lives, people can still care about something more than just themselves. That is a harsh statement, but please, prove me wrong if you can. When brushing my teeth sometimes, I stand next to a guy who is doing the same thing, but leaves the water running the ENTIRE time he is brushing. My question is, why? He isn't using it while he's brushing! Just put some water on the tooth paste, turn the sink off, then brush. It really is that easy. But, unfortunately, he doesn't realize that water is limited on planet Earth. He thinks it is just there for him to brush his teeth and make himself look pretty in the morning. This is a VERY common problem with our way of thinking. Too many of us see the environment as our playground, liable to do anything we want to it without consequence.
That is what needs to change in order to successfully turn our society into "clean and green" instead of staying "mean and green". The mindset of the human race must switch over to a new way of thinking. Instead of us trying to change the environment to the way we want it we must ADAPT to it. Humans are actually very good at this particular activity. How do you think we can live all over the world with temperatures ranging from -70 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit and continue to grow in population even with natural disasters of all kinds leaving us bewildered at times? We were meant to adapt and respect the environment. If it wasn't here, we wouldn't be either. Simple as that. Now that I have given you my perspective on the future of waste management, I'd like to hear your opinions on my perspective or just this topic in general. The only way I can grow in my knowledge of this subject is to hear some critical feedback. So, once again, don't hesitate to comment.
I agree 100% man, I can't believe how some people blatantly take things for granted! I've found that here, in a water-rich state like michigan, people always assume "hey, we have water coming out our ears" well, that's not the case, and besides, does that give you an excuse to waste anyways?